No Mission can possibly be accomplished howsoever, aggressive or fiercely propelled it may be & probably never could have it ever been, unless & until the same is pursued and thus, executed with as much 'sincerity & alacrity' as the one has purportedly been conceived for serving the desired ends. We have had umpteen live examples in the past and even still witness; - 'day in & day out' quite a number of glaring instances wherein the noblest of such missions have just fizzled out to have them gone haywire either in their midst or may even well before their being actually launched. The reason being a serious flaw and plain incongruity in the way they are/were executed as against the manner they ought to have been or alternatively, the resulting fiasco that ensued finally, might be attributed largely to sheer lack of commitment & a sincerity of purpose particularly on the part of those who actually were supposed to keep a tab on till the execution stage of such a mission(s) and were therefore, essentially credited with being the original progenitors of such a project/mission.
Not going far off, our social as well as the political landscape does offer us a host of examples and is thus replete with myriad such instances wherein the most ambitious of the plans & missions launched from time to time either at the behest of the Union Govt. or for that matter, the State Govt. have abysmally gone sour with all that `hype & hoopla' that typically surrounded their pre-launch stage have, but turned out being a `damp-squib' affair eventually..
Well! being very much alive to such human frailties right from the outset, we an association of like minded, willing & enterprising people have decided to embark upon a journey towards a destination, we are sure to reach one day just because, we have our milestones clearly set with the boundaries discretely marked out. And the first of such milestones of this arduous journey being assiduously tried to be reached by us is through a humble yet, very aggressive effort on our part to make every Indian, a computer literate entity one day. But ingrained very essentially in this endeavor has been our ultimate objective lying in that of not only churning out just a testimonial qualified exodus of computer literates, but to ensure practically that under the aegis of our proposed mass computer literacy campaign, let every Indian discover his/her true self after finding themselves fully equipped to take on this increasingly competitive world that definitely has `thrown in' a plethora of challenges onto us particularly, in the wake of sweeping & all pervasive technological advancements that have happened & happening in almost every domain of human activity while touching upon undoubtedly every facet of human life..
In the backdrop of such and similarly perceived many other equally compelling reasons & set of circumstances that the RSAIT, an acronym for RASHTRIYA SAKSHARTA ABHIYAN, (IT) was actually conceptualized and does owe its origin to. Being a brainchild of some of the most innovative & forward looking individuals in us & among us, we take immense pride in declaring and that too in quite unequivocal terms that (RSAIT) is an endeavor started not only to reflect a philanthropic facet of our collective vision, but to ratify at the same time that it was essentially a logical fallout of an intrinsic desire that has been brewing inside us for quite sometime about lending a tangible expression to our long cherished dream of ensuring a viable & universal access to computer education. Yet the same was verily desired for everybody particularly those' living in this part of north India, a distant dream which' was undisputedly a dream as such before we decided to set our foot onto this un-chattered territory & an unbeaten track of affording a universal as well as costless access to computer education through the medium of RSA (IT), a reality steadily getting acknowledged as a force to reckon with that in all likelihood, may not be overlooked anymore in the near future!
Notwithstanding this all, we at RSA (IT) however are equally aware of the fact that this indeed is a Herculean task! But given our resolutely firm attitude to have this mission reach a logical & conclusive end someday, there is nothing that could deter us from our people-centric resolve of making computer literacy a common phenomenon. And despite that if there will be any stumbling block that may obstruct our this goal oriented journey, we are here always ready to surpass it given our assimilated, yet collective force that lies in our indomitable spirit laced with a rock solid grit & determination that significantly constitute a winning combination behind all our actions & moves so far as our avowed objective of making this mission a hugely successful proposition, is concerned. And at the top of it, what in all that we are thoroughly hopeful about is our immaculate belief that any human endeavor when launched, pursued & hence executed once matched & synchronized with the most sincere efforts being put right there into is sure to be recognized one day and in any case, bound to be a successful one. After all, whosoever have made it big in any arena of their life might have certainly started from & strived for, but in the backdrop of exacting circumstances while capitalizing on a similar set of attributes that we are trying to emulate to our own experience this tim e...
Hope the success will not be as much elusive to us, as the same had not been to all of those who we are trying to follow their footsteps in!
Rashtriya Saksharta Abhiyan